
Maria Khalid
2 min readApr 24, 2021

Health is great gift and good health is a luxury which everyone wants .A healthy lifestyle will push you to get better in life.It also motivate us to achieve higher goals in life that's why a good health helps us to be happy and to be superior . So physical and mental health both are very necessary for us that's why we should maintain both .

Physical Health :

Physical health is most important because a healthy body has healthy mind and for physical fitness we should maintain healthy diet .As we know that study is very positive thing but still it is causing obesity in children. Children refuse to outdoor games and prefer to play indoor games like luddo, vedeo games etc and they prefer to watch TV all the time so all these things are the causes of obesity.

We should encourage our children to play outdoor games and to stay away from obesity exercises are most important.


Exercises are most important to prevent ourselves from not only obesity but also from other many disease so we should do exercise regularly to lose weight. It also improves our fitness and flexibility and skin textures and exercises are also free from harmfull side effects of dieting and slimming capsules.


We should stay away from dirty and polluted things and we should use cleaned water and keep your houses clean. Cleanliness is very necessary to stay healthy .

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsp


There are many calories which are found in junk food which causes a lot of harm to people. Such people later become prone to many diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and stroke etc and it is a healthy hazard. We should eat healthy food and avoid junk food which is very harmfull for our health. So we have to make our lifestyle healthy and follow disciplined life .

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash


Mental health is most important thing because when a person is mentally fit then he becomes healthy. Everybody want mental peace to live healthy life when a person is not mentally calm, all his life's activities are affected that's why he remain in pain .

In order to maintain peace of mind , one should think positively and stay away from fights .Positive thinking tries to keep people away from evil and it will positively affects on your mental health when we are mentally and physically fit then our confidence level will automatically get boosted.

